Monday, December 2, 2019

Filming Blog Finally

During the week of our thanksgiving break, we did get to film. We were supposed to film after school on Tuesday, at around 4:00 pm. Most of our group members did not go to school on Tuesday, so Jeffrey was the one who had to go and pick up the camera, SD card and tripod. While we had plans, to film at my house we were not able to do it due to scheduling conflicts. The next, day however, we did film. We decided to film some scenes at my house first. Victoria and Jeffrey came over at around 2 or 3 pm. We had scheduled to shoot about 4 scenes. One in which Victoria looks at her phone and sees our location. Another where we catch her snooping at us. And then a scene where we open the door to find that she is at our house. We had only those shots planned as they were the ones we could do this at this location.

Unfortunately, we had technical difficulties with the camera, that made filming a little harder. The camera's battery was dead, and it would not turn on. This meant that for every shot that we had to find an outlet nearby, or we wouldn't be able to get it. This was quite annoying, as now we couldn't get as many shots done as we wanted. So in the end we were only able to get around two of the original shots that we had planned out. However, we did get them to the best of our ability and made sure they were the best shots possible. After that, we reviewed the footage, and confirmed that we were satisfied with each shot we took. Shortly after everyone went home. The next day was thanksgiving, and we made sure to enjoy it to the fullest so we did not shoot. And we did not film either during black Friday.

I think that we were supposed to film during Saturday or Sunday, but there was a bit of miscommunication form  the group so we did not. It was a little annoying that that happened, but we learned from that mistake. We are planning when and where we are going to shoot this week. I hope that we will have filmed it all before Thursday so that we have at least two days to edit it. We have a very specific plan of what it is that we want to do, and how we want to edit it. We just need to make sure that everyone's schedules align. I hope we will get this project done without any problems. I know that we can do it, and that all we need is to actually shoot it. I have faith that it will be way better than my past project. That's basically all that we have done thus far for the project.

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