Monday, March 9, 2020

Peer Review

We did a peer review in class for our classmates. We walked in the classroom and checked who our partner was who we had to review. Mine was Victoria. We sat down and she gave me her film to watch. She played and I watched it all the way through once without taking notes. I then watched it again while taking notes. I observed her film carefully, looking for what was necessary. I thought it was coming along great and looked really great. She told me she needed to add a couple of things, and edit, but it was really good so far. After that I asked her a couple more questions about her project so far. 
I then did the peer review sheet that we grabbed once we got into the classroom. It asked general questions about the contents of the film so far. It asked if it had a coherent story. It asked to identify and look for titles present in the film. It asked about lighting and if it looked good in the film. It asked about several angles and shots that we are supposed to have. She had most of them, and planned to incorporate the other later on in the process. We were asked what we liked about the film. And finally we were asked to make a suggestion to them.

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